Everything you wanted to know before you pursue an MBA in Healthcare Management

There is a dearth of professionals in this arena be it doctors or nurses, the sector is growing at a rapid pace and the demand is more than the supply which makes it a lucrative career option.

The healthcare industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the last couple of decades. Hospitals are no longer the only place where the concept of healthcare exists. It extends beyond hospitals and health care center. Healthcare industry in India is a whopping 35 Billion dollar industry and is expected to grow at double the pace in the coming years. This means there are going to be plenty of jobs for people who have completed their MBA in Healthcare Management.

What does an MBA teach you?
An MBA in Healthcare Management ensures the smooth and efficient working of the hospital. The end objective of any health care center or a hospital is to ensure complete recovery of the patients by providing timely treatment. For this to take place a number of things should fall in place simultaneously and this is what an MBA degree will help you achieve. Your main aim will be to optimize the resources available at a very reasonable cost. An MBA in Healthcare management is an ideal career choice for students who have a graduation degree in pharmacy, Ayurveda, physiotherapy, microbiology, life science, dentistry to name a few. Institute of Clinical research India (ICRI) is one of the leading institutes when it comes to imparting management education in this field. Some of the topics that will be taught to you as part of the curriculum include
Health Information system
Hospital Organization
Health economics
Students are taught soft skills and leadership skills so they can effectively run the hospital or health care agencies. Some of the job titles that you will be eligible as an MBA are
Healthcare Administrator
Pharmaceutical Sales Consultant
Insurance Coordinator
Quality improvement manager

The course is a 2 year program just like any other MBA course. In the first year of the course you will be taught operations, finance and other basic areas of hospital management. It is only in the second year, when you have to opt for a specialized course. There are ample case studies which are discussed and taught in these two years. This helps the students in understanding the working of the institutes properly. Once you learn the current process, you can make necessary changes to achieve your objectives. The starting salary is decent as compared to some other sectors and it will grow rapidly once you start gaining experience. It is a popular myth that only people with a medical background should opt for an MBA in healthcare management. Though it is an advantage to have some medical background, but it is not mandatory and neither does it affect your performance in any way. Many people who are working in any of the above mentioned positions have little to no medical background. They are all doing well and have a bright career prospect.

Ref : http://www.apsense.com/article/everything-you-wanted-to-know-before-you-pursue-an-mba-in-healthcare-management.html

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